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Data Warehouse Modernization

Trillo provides templates for modernizing a data warehouse using BigQuery and Cloud SQL. These included the followings:

  1. Connectors for enterprise applications such as NetSuite, Workday, Salesforce, etc.
  2. Service to develop new connectors to external APIs.
  3. Master data management using CSV file import and UI.
  4. Data dictionary.
  5. Role-based Access Control.
  6. Query optimization services.
  7. Looker integration.

Vertex AI NLP

This provides workflows to process documents using AI NLP models (custom or Vertex AI) and store results in a database. The NLP models include:

  1. Entity Extraction (Vertex AI).
  2. Speech-to-text (Vertex AI).
  3. Text-to-speech (Vertex AI).
  4. Translation (Vertex AI).
  5. Q&A models (Trillo).
  6. Your custom models.

Text Matching

This application provides workflows to generate text embedding using AI NLP models and index resulting vectors into Vertex AI Matching Engine. It provides APIs to find matching documents to the input document.

Document AI

In our experience, you can attain higher accuracy by combining Google Document AI processors’ output with the raw OCR results. This application provides such post-processors. In addition to that, it provides a platform for executing Document AI workflows.

Vertex AI Vision

This provides workflows to process images using AI Vision models (custom or Vertex AI) and store results in a database. The vision models include:

  1. Object detection(Vertex AI).
  2. Damage detection (Trillo).
  3. Your custom models.

Google Analytics GA4 Data API

Google Analytics GA4 provides a powerful data API to extract GA4 data. This application provides UI to create multiple reports, each with dimensions, metrics, filters, and other constraints. Using Trillo Workbench, this application runs workflows to extract data using GA4 APIs and store them in BigQuery. This application also provides connectors to pull first-party data into BigQuery. A user can visualize the data in BigQuery using Google’s Looker platform.

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