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Number of usersUnlimited
ArchitectureLow-code, Serverless, Microservices, Kubernetes/Anthos, Scalable, Fault Tolerant, Disaster Recovery, Auto-scaling
Google service integrationGoogle Cloud Storage, BigQuery, AI/ML, Bigtable, Dataflow, Cloud SQL, Identity Platform, DLP, Healthcare API, etc.
Multiple databases supportYes. No programming needed for custom data-models.
Business logic scriptingYes. Using serverless functions.
Backend workflowYes. Using graphical tools, Dataflow, serverless functions.
File Management (Transfer, sharing)Yes. UI, API, SFTP, HTTPs, petabytes scale
SecurityOIDC, OAuth2, SAML, LDAP, Encryption, Group, and Role-based Access Control
API supportYes. Secure using OAuth2, Access Control
DeploymentIn your cloud or on-premise
Number of usersUnlimited
ArchitectureEnd user application based on microservice architecture
Google service integrationGoogle Cloud Storage
File Management (Transfer, sharing)Yes. UI, API, SFTP, HTTPs, terabytes scale
ScalabilityLimited by the size of VM, no auto scaling.
Fault tolerance, disaster recoveryNo
SecurityOIDC, OAuth2, Encryption, Group and Role-based Access Control
API supportYes. Secure using OAuth2, Access Control